Optagger Campaign Manager http://www.optagger.com/是專業的一站式電郵推廣系統,為你的業務提供電子郵件營銷的解決方案。Optagger的電郵推廣系統,包括電子郵件營銷、傳送電郵平台、創建郵件內容和分析軟件。透過電郵推廣,您可直接發送宣傳推廣資料給目標客戶,讓你更容易接觸目標顧客,快速增長業務。
Cat4asia http://www.cat4asia.com, 網站管理平台是一個網站管理工具讓公司自行管理和建造網站。由建立/編輯網頁內容以至發佈網站,只需要數個簡單驟 步。Cat4asia 提供網上產品購物功能, 讓你把產品展示給客户。
IPT利用工具 - 網頁和流動 Apps - 與客戶端連接業務,保護您的業務安全,使您的業務能夠增長。我們已經幫助了很多客戶。
IPT is pleased to announce the award of the tender for the development of the User Information System Revamping for the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS).
IPT is happy to announce the Award of Tender for the development of "Youth Case and Program Management System" for the society of "Christian Family Service Centre 基督教家庭服務中心 (CFSC)"
IPT is happy to announce the Award of Tender for the development of "Membership and Enrolment System" for the society of "The Hong Kong Cancer Fund 香港癌症基金會 (HKCF)"
We are pleased to launch a new website for BA (Hons) in Animation and Digital Arts - Lingnan University
We are pleased to launch a new website for Office of Institutional Advancement and Alumni Affairs (OIAAA) - Lingnan University
Our Clinic System "Eye Solution (ES)" was successfully launched for one of the biggest eye clinic in Hong Kong. Our ES system is specialized with Eye clinic sector and being used for large clinic group.
IPT is happy to announce the Award of Tender for the development of "Online Payment and Enrollment System" for the society of "The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS)"
IPT successfully lanuched the HKSAS Client Information System project. We awarded the tender at Feb 2020 and Our solution helps HKSAS to manage their client information and activities.
IPT successfully lanuched the Social School Work system (SSW). We awarded the tender from "The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS) " and Our solution helps Social Workers to management Student record and case activities. At the same times fulfill the SWD's statistic requirement and saving time on workload
IPT is pleased to announce the Award of Tender for the development of "Integrated Client & Service Management System" for Christian Concern For The Homeless Association